Monday, June 13, 2011

The Wait is over!

It's a Girl! Chase Hollyn Pease born 6/6/2011

Our Monday morning last week started off with a big surprise. I woke with contractions that were about 6 minutes apart, though they were not painful. I went through this "should I call, or I am freaking myself out" conversation to myself. I finally decided to call and they said to go ahead and come in. On the drive I felt nothing and was sure they would send us home. However, I figured we would get to see how dilated I was and if she was breech again (I had a sneaking suspicion that Chase was going to be stubborn).

Just a side note, I should have eaten breakfast before we left.

When we got to the hospital, they hooked me up to the contractions. I was sure we were going home. But when they checked me I was 5 cm. I walked around for a bit and then I was 6 1/2. So Tonya, my midwife, ordered an epidural, broke my water, and the waiting began.

Did I mention that I had not eaten breakfast? D, my mom, and I were watching TV while we waited and D said "Hey they lady looks kinda like a bird." I heard, "that lady looks like a burger." And when the credits rolled for that show, the producer's name was "Alan Burger", no joke! I was so hungry! My stomach growling was amplified by the monitor intended to monitor the baby's heart.

Okay, let's fast foward. 4 1/2 hours later is was time to push. I won't go into too much detail there. Chase arrived with a very grumpy look on her face. As I recall, I thought she looked kinda like Dustin's grandfather with that scrunched up expression.

She is perfect. And Kaylee is such a proud big sis. She ran down the hall and into the room. When she saw her for the first time she said "Oooh, I like it!" She's been a big help and very patient and accomodating with the changes in our household.

Chase got to meet all of her cousin's this weekend. Elliot (4 months old) tried to coax her to hold hands, while Carson (22 months) serenaded her with the Black Eyed Peas's "Boom Boom Pow." Chase is lucky number 7 for my parents, in under 5 years.

Overall it has been an overwelming yet exciting and fulfilling week. I know she's going to grow up fast so I'm trying to take it all in. It's difficult, but I'm doing my best to slow down, stop stressing, and enjoy this moment in both my little girls' lives.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Countdown Begins

Hey everyone! Wanted to give an update on everything going on.

We finally got moved into the new place. I'm so glad we went ahead and decided to move before the baby comes. I think I managed to handle the move well, without any major break downs. Dustin or my mom may tell you differently. I drove them crazy with all the planning and organizing. But I fell much less stressed since the move is over.

We went to Columbia this weekend for Memorial Day and Christian's surprise pool party. We were on the fence about going but I'm so glad we did. It was nice to spend time with friends and family and get out a bit before Chase arrives. Kaylee had the best time! She and her friends swam all day Saturday and Sunday. She kissed her little friend Parker and he wiped if off, and I over heard her tell him "My kisses don't rub off! You just smooshed it in." Oh my! She was so pooped after the long weekend!

Overall I've been feeling ok. This weekend was hot and my feet, ankles, and calves swelled up really bad. If I pressed it made a huge indent that stayed for a while. It totally grossed D out. I told him "Dustin! You are suppose to tell me I'm beautiful no matter what!" His response; "You are still beautiful, right in your face." Thanks babe, love you too :)

Last week at the doc we discovered that Chase is breech. They are going to try to turn her from the outside this week, but if they can't they'll schedule a C-section for 39 weeks. Even if they are able to turn her she may still flip again, so there's no guarantee. We'll have to sign Chase and her cousin Kate up for gymnastics early since they are so good at flipping already. One way or another, we will be welcoming her within the next couple weeks.

Oh, and we changed her name. Something was bothering me about her name, it just wasn't flowing right. Maybe it was the double C's or to many syllables, who knows. So we changed her middle name to Hollen. Chase Holen just seemed to flow better. As you can see, I'm still playing with the spelling.

Enough for now, I'm hungry.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A little of this, A little of that

Update on Chase

This child has taken over my body! I had high hopes of staying active this pregnancy and continuing to go to the gym. Ha! I have this new constant pain that feels like I've been kicked in the crotch! Every time someone asks me how far along I am they are like "oh, well you don't have too much longer." Apparently math is not a strong suit for these people. 15 weeks still feels like a lifetime. I already feel like a house. Even a student's parent told me my boobs had gotten huge (awkward!)
Kaylee's Independence
Kaylee is so grown up now. I'm trying my best to help foster her independence. In some ways it's great! She brushes her teeth, makes her bed, buckles herself, and fixes her own snacks. I'm grateful that she will be able to hold her own when Chase arrives. However, I struggle with letting her pick out her own clothes (yes she wore tights under her shorts to school today). Her teacher says she's her "free-spirit" child.

Cumberland Island

D and I went on a well needed weekend trip to Cumberland Island, GA. It was a pretty neat place. You had to take a ferry to get there. There were nothing commercial on the island. Just uninhabited beaches and some ruins of old mansions. There were also wild horses all over the island. It was really nice to have nothing to do and just walk and talk. We definitely recommend it, but remember to pack a lunch.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chase Carolen Pease

The verdict is in!! We went for an ultrasound today and saw the "golden arches!" We are so excited to be having another girl. Kaylee had decided that she wanted a boy, "so it would be even," but he face lit up when the tech announced the news :) She took lots of measurements of the brain, spine, etc and everything looks great. Maybe my creepy nightmare will cease now. We still have a long way to go, but it finally seems real.