Well this is not how I wanted to spend the first week of winter break! Kaylee brought us a nice virus home from school, which later turned into sinus infections. I told Dustin that he should go with Kaylee and I to the doc to get some antibiotics but he was stubborn. He finally broke down and went and found out he had pneumonia (here comes the "I told you so"). So we've all had intense coughing, sore throats. headaches, and fever. They only let you take the weak stuff during pregnancy, I really want some real drugs. The newest thing I tried was the Neti Pot; basically you pour a tea kettle of salt water up your nose to wash out the goop for temporary relief. Baby Beavis has created a new embarrassing problem with all the coughing. Thus, I have seriously considered making Depends a staple of my maternity wardrobe. I've included a pic of all the meds we were on for my friend Allison's sake. She loves pointless illustrations in a blog!
OMG not you too! I feel like an eighty year old woman these days, because literally EVERYTIME I cough or sneeze I pee. The joys of pregnancy! Hope you're all feeling better!!
ReplyDeleteHope ya'll are feeling better! James is all congested and I'm not sure why or how he got this??? Going to the doc tomorrow for him and to try and figure out the case of the missing poop. he's not going again and he is on juice! Oh the mystery continues.... Michael has me on a job hunt now, got one response so far. We will see what happens!