I went yesterday for my 12 week ultrasound. The baby was not very active at first but then he started moving all around and "waving" at Kaylee. She was more interested in the goo on my belly. Even though I had been though this all before, it still amazed me. He was moving his baldy head up and down. If you look closely at the pic, he looks like Beavis. You'll notice I'm referring to the shrimp size offspring as he. I have a feeling it's a boy. Although, I'm terrified of having a boy.
Morning sickness (which is the dumbest term ever given that it's ALL DAY) has gotten worse before it gets better. It seems the only thing I can stomach is Jersey Mikes (go figure). I shouldn't complain. we're truly blessed! A special thanks for D for not complaining once about the messy house, dirty laundry, and lack of dinner each night. He's an gem for picking up the slack! Santa, if your reading, all I want for Christmas is some energy (and some clothes that fit would be nice too)!
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