Update on Chase
This child has taken over my body! I had high hopes of staying active this pregnancy and continuing to go to the gym. Ha! I have this new constant pain that feels like I've been kicked in the crotch! Every time someone asks me how far along I am they are like "oh, well you don't have too much longer." Apparently math is not a strong suit for these people. 15 weeks still feels like a lifetime. I already feel like a house. Even a student's parent told me my boobs had gotten huge (awkward!)
Kaylee's Independence
Kaylee is so grown up now. I'm trying my best to help foster her independence. In some ways it's great! She brushes her teeth, makes her bed, buckles herself, and fixes her own snacks. I'm grateful that she will be able to hold her own when Chase arrives. However, I struggle with letting her pick out her own clothes (yes she wore tights under her shorts to school today). Her teacher says she's her "free-spirit" child.

D and I went on a well needed weekend trip to Cumberland Island, GA. It was a pretty neat place. You had to take a ferry to get there. There were nothing commercial on the island. Just uninhabited beaches and some ruins of old mansions. There were also wild horses all over the island. It was really nice to have nothing to do and just walk and talk. We definitely recommend it, but remember to pack a lunch.
Oh My Goodness AB you look SO CUTE!!! I can't wait for Chase to get here! I cannot get over how big Kaylee has gotten! I seriously saw those pictures and instantly thought it was pictures of you from when we were 4 years old and just met. She is your mini-me for sure!! Take care of yourself!!! xoxo